Center for Health & Wellness

There can be several different causes of dizziness—something as benign as orthostatic hypotension, to something as severe as brain cancer. Therefore, patients suffering from persistent dizziness should see a health care professional.

One of the causes of dizziness is vertigo. There are two common types of vertigo: Cervicogenic and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). Both of these conditions can be treated by chiropractic care.

When the joints of the neck are not moving properly, the nerves that relay position information to the brain (proprioceptors) can get under or over stimulated, and the brain gets conflicting information from the neck and inner ear, resulting in dizziness or Cervicogenic Vertigo. Most of the time, Cervicogenic Vertigo responds very well and very fast to chiropractic treatment because motion is restored to the joints and the proprioceptors are allowed to function normally.

BPPV occurs when loose bodies in the inner ear cause conflicting information to be sent to the brain. Cells line the semi-circular canals of the inner ear. These cells are periodically sloughed off (especially following trauma) and sometimes get stuck inside one or more of the canals. When these cells get stuck, they cause BPPV because they change the dynamics of the fluid. We treat this by placing the head in a series of different positions to allow the loose bodies to flow out of the canals, stopping the vertigo.

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Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this information is only for general knowledge; it is not to be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment.